Wednesday, March 1, 2023

National Aircraft Supply

National Aircraft Supply

National Aircraft Supply - “It used to take a couple of days to a week to get a battery checked,” he said. “That's increased to a couple of weeks because there's just five or six people working as hard as they can in a shop that used to have 10 [employees].

“I'm absolutely guilty of thinking, 'FedEx guarantees overnight shipping. Don't they have another airplane they could scramble?'” Young said. "Well, they probably don't. They're at their max capacity. It's good to be understanding of what's on everybody's plates right now, not just our own.”

National Aircraft Supply

Sectors Of Aviation

The 2023 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) will return to Las Vegas, NV from October 17-19. Save the date and make plans to attend the biggest and most productive event of the year for business aviation.

To be sure a manufacturer is able and qualified to manufacture a part, the purchaser should review and understand the requirements of the standard and review the part manufacturer's qualification report. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide a Qualification Report to the purchaser.

It is the purchaser's responsibility to review the report to be sure the manufacturer meets the requirements of the specification. “It seems we went right from the toilet paper shortage in our everyday lives to the chip issue affecting LRUs [line-replaceable units],” said Melissa Raddatz, regional sales manager for the upper Midwest at maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) provider

Flying Colors Corp. “When COVID kicked in, we almost immediately started to see challenges with acquiring parts, particularly from European and other international suppliers,” Winkle said. "For one particular aircraft model, we needed a component manufactured in Europe.

Nextgen Aircraft Design Is Key To Aviation Sustainability | Nasa

Because of COVID restrictions and import challenges, we missed a total of 12 legs on that airplane over eight days – and we're not alone in facing situations like that.” Subject matter experts from AIA member companies participate in committees and working groups to develop and maintain the NAS library.

All development standards are conducted in accordance with TOC-1, Development Procedures for National Aerospace Standards. AIA is an accredited standards developer (ASD) through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Founded in 1947 and based in Washington, DC, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is the leading organization for companies that rely on general aviation aircraft to help make their businesses more efficient, productive and successful.

"Once you remove a part, get that core back to wherever it belongs as quickly as possible," Winkle said. "It's really becoming critical to return those core units so we can keep parts in the system."

“There's a certain price point that, above which, a shipment gets flagged,” she said. "For items like landing gear assemblies, we've asked vendors to ship items individually so they don't get caught up in customs, because each package is under that [price] threshold."

While pandemic-driven furloughs and layoffs across the industry have played a role in these scarcities, Winkle believes COVID-19 exacerbated issues have already felt across the industry in its move to “just in time” inventory practices. "We have an on-demand industry, and it just didn't entirely mesh up," he said.

Fema Cargo Flights Expand To Pittsburgh - Blue Sky Pit News Site

“You need to plan your maintenance events much farther out. It also pays to order needed parts well in advance – months, not weeks – to comply with inspections, service bulletins and management programs,” he said.

“Everything is controlled by computers on newer aircraft like ours,” added Ian Young, chief of maintenance on a large-cabin intercontinental business jet for Executive Jet Management. “All the parts we've seen trouble with most often have printed circuit cards;

as of now, larger parts are generally more readily available.” “Luckily, we have a lot of operators within a five-mile radius, so we're all able to network and work with one another to get out of a jam,” Stodolski continued, “and we then replenish their stock once the OEM

is able to provide us with the component. That helps keep AOG situations to a minimum, though there are times when we're working the phones with parts suppliers trying to get items to us as quickly as possible."

While Raddatz noted most of his customers who have worked in business aviation for some time are understanding of such difficulties, “they also want to see that you're being proactive and making sure everything's on track,” she said.

Flying Inside Covid-19 Cargo Response Flights (B747 And B757) - Youtube

"We're in this weird transition right now, and we're hoping we'll get back to normal sooner than later. But in the meantime, we're just trying to do the best we can every day." AIA, in coordination with the Department of Defense, has converted over 500 MIL-specs to NAS.

These converted documents carry an NASM (for inch-based) or NAM (for metric-based) prefix. The standard continues to be procured to the MS part number. “We've already seen a couple tire manufacturers for large-cabin business jets tell us they ran out of tires, with really no timeline of when it's going to get replenished,” agreed Nathan Winkle, president and founder of Thoroughbred Aviation and past chair

of the NBAA Maintenance Committee. "That's sort of an odd place to be for owners used to having their aircraft available as on-demand business tools." Raddatz also emphasized the benefits of networking. "Call a buddy up at another flight department and tell them you're in a pinch, and if they can send their part over now, you'll ship the repaired part to them when you get it back," she said.

"People who aren't networking or keeping up with relationships may struggle more and potentially find themselves in an unfavorable situation." If you're interested in elevating your career to the next level, look no further than SDC2025.

You'll learn current best practices and trends from industry experts and fellow attendees through top-level education sessions and critical peer-to-peer networking to help you work smarter, not harder in the year ahead. The 2024 NBAA Maintenance Conference provides vital education and networking opportunities for anyone involved in business aircraft maintenance – from technicians to directors of maintenance.

Feds To Overhaul National Stockpile Of Medical Supplies | Modern Healthcare

Stay up-to-date on the latest operational information critical to your job and connect with over 900 fellow peers. "Shippers have told me they're seeing the same [numbers] of packages through the major hubs as around Christmas time," Stodolski said.

“Except [at Christmas] they usually add more people, aircraft and logistics to keep up with that demand; the shippers weren't ready for the [current] influx we're seeing." If a Part Standard calls out a Procurement Specification that has Qualification Test Requirements, those requirements must be met before the purchaser should buy parts from the manufacturer.

After a manufacturer has met the requirements, it is up to the part manufacturer to perform the required test(s) for certification of conformance. It is up to the purchaser to review those certifications to make sure they meet the requirements.

“We're just in a unique situation in the world as a whole,” Stodolski continued. "There's times you have to take a different avenue that you're not accustomed to [in order] to get a part or component that you need."

The 2024 NBAA Maintenance Conference provides vital education and networking opportunities for anyone involved in business aircraft maintenance – from technicians to directors of maintenance. Stay up-to-date on the latest operational information critical to your job and connect with over 900 fellow peers.

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Planning for the team's future is one of a leader's most important responsibilities. A solid plan makes it easier to navigate today's uncertain world and when priorities change or a crisis happens, a well-crafted plan will help keep the team on track.

"We try to stay on top of that," he said. “If we know we're going to be doing some type of maintenance or inspection, instead of maybe ordering all the consumable items we need for an inspection, say a week ahead of time, we're now pushing out our order a couple months

ahead of time, just so we can let the supply chain work. Parts shortages and supply chain constraints have affected many segments of the transportation industry as a result of COVID-19, including business aviation. Flight operations need to prepare for contingencies in the event the situation does not improve for some time to come.

Young also experienced shipping difficulties during the last year while waiting for delivery of a new air data computer. "Fortunately, we didn't have any pending flights, but we still wanted to get it fixed as quickly as possible," he said.

“It took three days to get the computer; the part was available, but we couldn't get anyone to ship it to us." "We've heard lately that tires will become a problem in the months ahead," Young said.

“One of our local suppliers suggested we might want to buy some tires in advance…. It's kind of hard to go anywhere without tires." If you're interested in elevating your career to the next level, look no further than SDC2025.

You'll learn current best practices and trends from industry experts and fellow attendees through top-level education sessions and critical peer-to-peer networking to help you work smarter, not harder in the year ahead.

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Navy Aircraft Carrier Jobs

Navy Aircraft Carrier Jobs

Navy Aircraft Carrier Jobs - During World War II, carriers were the dominant combat vessel playing leading roles in the Pacific, such as the battles of Midway, Coral Sea, and Leyte Gulf. Carriers, built during the war, continued to improve, not only in size and lethality, but technologically as well.

Catapults, flush with the deck, assisted in launching aircraft. Aircraft were fitted with retractable hooks that engaged transverse wires on the deck, braking them to a quick stop. The control centers of the carriers were located in the superstructure (the "island"), at one side of the flight deck.

Navy Aircraft Carrier Jobs

Why The Navy Would Like 60% Drones On Its Carriers | Popular Science

Aircraft landings were guided by radio, radar, and by visual signals from the deck. The history of the U.S. Navy's use of naval vessels to launch and recover aircraft dates back to 14 November 1910 when American civilian pilot Eugene Ely flew his Curtiss pusher airplane off a specifically built platform on the deck of cruiser Birmingham (Scout Cruiser No. 2) in Hampton Roads, Virginia

First Woman To Command Us Aircraft Carrier Didn't Even Know She Could Get  The Job | Cnn

. On 18 January 1911, Ely landed on a platform built on the quarterdeck of battleship Pennsylvania (Armored Cruiser No. 4) using wires attached to sandbags as arresting gear in San Francisco Bay. Later that day, he took off from the same ship.

U.S. Navy aircraft carriers intended to operate with the main fleet were numbered in the "CV" series, which originated as part of the cruiser ("C") group of designations. During and after World War II, ships in the CV series were frequently given modified designations, including CVA (attack aircraft carrier), CVAN (nuclear-powered attack aircraft carrier), CVB (large aircraft carrier), CVL (small aircraft carrier),

Naval Group Welcomes The Decision Of The President Of The French Republic  To Launch The Studies Of A Future Aircraft Carrier | Naval Group

CVN (nuclear-powered aircraft carrier), CVS (anti-submarine warfare support aircraft carrier) and CVT (training aircraft carrier). All of these expanded designations were numbered in the original CV series. Today, the only aircraft carriers in service are the remaining Nimitz-class and one Gerald R. Ford-class, which is meant to replace the Nimitz carriers in the coming decades.

The Gerald R. Ford-class carrier is about 1,100 feet long, has a crew of 4,500, and can carry up to 75 aircraft, including the F35-C, the world's first long-range stealth strike fighter. World War II also generated a separate number series for aircraft carriers that were intended for auxiliary purposes such as escorting convoys, transporting aircraft and other missions which did not require the high speed of the CV series ships.

Why The Us Navy Is Thinking Hard About Smaller Aircraft Carriers | In Depth  | Flight Global

Originally called Aircraft Escort Vessels (AVG), then Auxiliary Aircraft Carriers (ACV), they were finally termed Escort Aircraft Carriers (CVE). During the mid-1950s, many CVEs were redesignated as Escort Helicopter Aircraft Carriers (CVHE) and Utility Aircraft Carriers (CVU).

These retained their original CVE series numbers. This page provides links to selected aircraft carriers throughout American naval history. In addition, check out the National Naval Aviation Museum's website for updates as we celebrate the centennial commemoration (March 2022) of the U.S.

Chinese Bombers Conducted Simulated Attack On Us Navy Aircraft Carrier

Navy's utilization of aircraft carriers. The Navy's first aircraft carrier, Langley (CV-1), was developed from the Proteus-class collier Jupiter and served as an unarmed test bed for deck and flight operations throughout the 1920s. During this time, the Navy learned from its experiences on Langley how better to park and launch aircraft more quickly.

The experiences that took place onboard the converted aircraft carrier set the state for fleet aircraft carriers that followed. Ranger (CV-4) was the first U.S. Navy ship designed and built from the keel up as an aircraft carrier.

Are The Royal Navy's Aircraft Carriers Too Big? | Navy Lookout

She was commissioned in 1934 and served in the Atlantic during World War II. Carriers built after the war were even larger and came equipped with armored flight decks. The use of jet aircraft on carriers also posed significant changes, because of their greater weight, slower acceleration, higher landing speeds, and greater fuel consumption.

Steam-powered catapults and angled flight decks were just some of the modifications that were installed to counter the much more powerful aircraft. In 1961, the first nuclear-powered carrier, Enterprise (CVAN-65), was commissioned. Enterprise was powered by eight nuclear reactors (two for each of its four propellers) and had a deck that was 1,101 by 252 feet (the largest at the time).

Over the course of her 51-year career, Enterprise completed 25 deployments to include the Cuban Missile Crisis and Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. Navy used aircraft carriers as the primary base for American air power.

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National Aircraft Finance Company

National Aircraft Finance Company

National Aircraft Finance Company - There are no aircraft age restrictions. Fixed rates are competitive and available up to twenty years. You will be required to provide complete logs and ensure there is no major damage history to the aircraft. The minimum loan amount is $10,000 and a down payment of between 15-20 percent is required.

NAFCO provides experimental aircraft financing to a wide range of established aircraft, both completed and in kit form, provided there are at least 25 completed aircraft flying hours in the United States. NAFCO establishes the loan amount of each experimental aircraft based on your experience, credit credentials and through valuation guides and/or by reviewing at least three comparable aircraft that are for sale in the United States.

National Aircraft Finance Company

Aircraft Finance Germany (

In addition to the required financial documentation requested for the loan application process, clients will need to provide proforma invoices from each supplier that will be used, as well as an estimate of the total cost of the project.

General Aviation Finance News - Aviation Finance | Aopa

Experimental Aircraft

Reporting to the National Open Market Property Placement Leader, this role will be a national resource for the corporate and commercial business units focused on the more challenged Property & Casualty policies that fall outside of our placement platforms.

National Aircraft Finance Company (NAFCO) has been financing aircraft since 1994 and have established a reputation for their expertise and proven efficiency in the industry, offering competitive financing for a variety of aircraft purchases and aviation upgrades.

Airbus ($Air) Targets Boeing ($Ba) With New Plane Model - Bloomberg

To follow is a brief overview of the company and their partners. Company McLennan is committed to embracing a diverse, inclusive, and flexible work environment. We aim to attract and retain the best people regardless of their sex/gender, marital or parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, age, background, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

Company strongly believes in "Feeling comfortable bringing your whole self to work is a fundamental right of every colleague." We offer the following benefits to our employees, so they feel valued each day at work: -

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Nafco Overview

If you are self-employed, NAFCO requires, from all partners, 2 years signed personal and business tax returns to include all schedules together with year to date financial statement to include balance sheet and profit and loss.

Also required are K-1 form(s) if applicable. NAFCO also requires a brief history of the company including a detailed list of all business debts including outstanding balance and monthly payments if applicable. AOPA Aviation Finance is committed to providing support for the AOPA mission, which is to help preserve airports, grow the pilot population, and protect the interests of general aviation through advocacy in Washington, DC and all 50 states.

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NAFCO is an affiliate of Pilot Bank, a Tampa Bay Community Bank that has operated successfully since 1987. NAFCO, with their partners, provides domestic as well as international aircraft financing and leasing to corporations and individuals for a wide range of different aircraft including kits,

pistons, twins and turboprops. Financing is only available to US citizens. A completed and signed application form is required, stating the loan amount requested. This must be completed by all partners in the agreement. Also required are two years of signed Federal tax returns.

What Future Do Airlines Have? Three Experts Discuss

Overview Of Requirements For Initial Approval And/Or Pre-Approval

If employed NAFCO requires two years W-2 forms and current pay stub. Company is the world's leading insurance broker and risk advisor. With over 35,000 colleagues operating in more than 130 countries, the Company serves commercial and individual clients with data driven risk solutions and advisory services.

Company is a business of Company McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the leading global professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people. With annual revenue approaching US $20 billion and 85,000 colleagues worldwide, MMC helps clients navigate an increasingly dynamic and complex environment through four market-leading businesses: Company, Guy Carpenter, Company, and Company.

Follow the Company on Twitter @MarshGlobal; LinkedIn; Facebook; and YouTube. When applying for financing or refinancing for improvement loans, you will be required to provide a current aircraft specification sheet, financial disclosure and details of the proposed scope and budgeted cost of the project.

This is so NAFCO can assess the viability of the request and determine the loan structures on offer. When you upgrade your avionics with ADS-B In or Out to meet NextGen requirements, an unsecured program to finance your upgrade is available.

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